Tuesday, January 5, 2010

LivN makes me sleepy!

Living makes me sleepy!!!! Man my day felt so busy, but that's not hard to feel when your the master of conserving your own energy lol. My normal day goes a bit like this. Wake up at 7:15ish get to work by 8:15 sometimes this consist of playing with kids all morning, or being spit up on by babies, even stepping into the little girls barber shop of toddler hair dressing! Then lunch, then back to work til 4ish. Then we head home get fast food, eat together, and lounge on the couch. I'm so lazy sometimes that i can get the baby to bring me stuff.

BUT!!!! Today was different:) same work schedule, but got off went to the grocery store for taco salad ingredients, which was interesting. I always bought the bag of lettuce instead of using fresh lettuce, you know to save time on not having to chop it myself. And since I've never bought a head of lettuce, I've discovered that cabbage is not the same as a head of lettuce, altho they look the same..... i stood there holding both of them in my hands wondering why they have a different name. So.... i called Mrs Jill as i do for everything including food questions, b/c she's the best nutritionist ever! and she told me which one to get. And stated clearly that i really didn't want to get the cabbage for taco salad. She didn't tell me why. ......

So i got home put up groceries made and dressed the Delicious salad ate and felt great for about 30 mins. Then i ended up in the bathroom for 30 mins not a good one :/ come to find out i purchased the cabbage instead of lettuce. Man that stuff goes right thru ya!

Anyhow, while i was cooking I gave Kamden a tortilla chip and he choked on it :( in all my 7 yrs of child care and being CPR and First aide certified nothing prepares you for how your going to feel as you see your child choke, i was terrified! I tried not to display my emotions as i did what i was trained to do and push up on his abdomen, and my husband scooped his mouth with his finger and got the soggy chip out. Kamden didn't even cry he just looked at us like something was wrong with us, and then wanted more. phew! I'm so glad he is ok!

It's 8pm and I'm exhausted. I told my husband today that now i see why people who are living a healthy, spiritual and active life style go to bed so early! Hopefully this is the start to awesome sleep and a fun filled LIVN day tomorrow!

OH YEAH! for you grammatically correct people whom I absolutely adore :) I don't care if all my I's aren't capitalized and i misspell some words!!! And if i forget a comma or 2 consider it exercise by running ;) all of this slang texting and instant message stuff has messed up my well taught vocabulary.

I will be doing Zumba on Thur's at 6pm..... I'm suppose to work out 3 times a week to start off. So if anyone would like to join me please do!

I lived today so I'm sleeping good tonight!

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